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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 48
Psalm 118
Nehemiah 8

There are so many reasons to describe God as wonderful! So many reasons to praise him with unlimited praise! Zion-City is his home; he lives on his holy mountain— high and glorious, joy-filled and favored. Zion-Mountain looms in the farthest reaches of the north, the city of our incomparable King! This is his divine abode, an impenetrable citadel, for he is known to dwell in the highest place.

Psalms‬ ‭48‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
My grace is on the scene. My Spirit is hovering over the scene. The cloudiness is not from Me. The murkiness is not of Me. Come higher. Come above the cloud line. Come where your vision is unobstructed, and you can see far, far into the distance. It’s on this up-higher perch that we govern. It’s from this protected place of advantage that we can see what others cannot see. It’s up here that I release My strategies. It’s up here that I share My secrets and draw near to those who have made the journey and the sacrifice to get to this up-higher place of communion with Me.

Lord, as we worship you in your temple, we recall over and over your kindness to us and your unending love. The fame of your name echoes throughout the entire world, accompanied with praises. Your right hand is full of victory. So let the people of Zion rejoice with gladness; let the daughters of praise leap for joy! For God will see to it that you are judged fairly.

Psalms‬ ‭48‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

It is an uncluttered and uncomplicated place up here. The air is clear, and the distractions and worries and tangled messes are far down below. Here things are clear. Here the air is clean, and My voice is clear and mistakable. This is the high place of My joyous mountain. I reside atop the mountain of joy. My joyful warriors, My joy-filled warriors and happy-hearted warriors can ascend to this place. They have the key to My joyous mountain. They live with a steadfast anchor of My joy as their strength continually — in the good times and the bad, in the difficult and the serious as well as the celebrations and the wins. My happy warriors, My joyful warriors are secure in Me. They know that I work all things together for good for those who love Me and are called according to My purpose.

Circle Zion; count her towers. Consider her walls, climb her palaces, and then go and tell the coming generation of the care and compassion of our God. Yes, this is our God, our great God forever. He will lead us onward until the end, through all time, beyond death, and into eternity!

Psalms‬ ‭48‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

These are the ones who ascend My Joyous Mountain to commune with Me, to reside with Me, to govern with me and to gain strategy and vision from this perch with Me. Only the joyful have access. Only the rejoicing ones can ascend. Delight in Me, and I will give you the desires of your heart. In repentance and rest you will be saved. In quietness and trust is your strength. (Isaiah 30:15a) I Am the Source of all joy. As you love Me, as you pursue Me, as you recount and retell testimonies of My goodness and victory in your life and for My people, My joy will become your strength. You will rejoice and be glad in it. You will acquire the key to ascend my Joyous Mountain, and you will be granted access to this up-higher place of communion, vision and strategy with Me.

How to Respond

  • Rejoice in the Lord always. Set aside more time than usual to commune with Him and dwell on His goodness.
  • Pray, Lord I want to be wherever You are. I want to be one who is strong because I carry your joy at all times. I desire to ascend Your Joyous Mountain and commune with You. I want to hear Your voice clearly — far above the noise. I want to see what You see, and gain Your strategies for victory in my life and be part of accomplishing Your purposes in the Earth.
  • Declare, the joy of the Lord is my strength. — Nehemiah 8:10
  • Declare, This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. — Psalm 118:24
  • Decree, I am a carrier of joy. Wellsprings of joy flow from my body and spirit and touch those around me. I am made strong because of the joy of the Lord that fills me and overflows from me. I have access to unobstructed vision and to the Lord’s victorious strategies as I commune with Him in the up-higher place of joy.
  • Sing, This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it! This is the day. This is the day that the Lord has made!

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:





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