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Today’s Readings:
Luke 8:40-56
Isaiah 61
Psalm 149

43 In the crowd was a woman. She had suffered from an incurable menstrual disorder for 12 years [and had spent her livelihood on doctors with no effect]. It had kept her miserable and ritually unclean, unable to participate fully in Jewish life. 44 She followed Jesus, until she could reach Him. She touched the fringe of the robe Jesus wore, and at that moment the bleeding stopped. Jesus (stopping and looking about): 45 Who touched Me? Some in the Crowd (everyone speaking at once):Not me. Another in the Crowd: It wasn’t me either. Peter [and those with him] (intervening): Master, what kind of question is that, with this huge crowd all around You and many people touching You on all sides? Jesus: 46 I felt something. I felt power going out from Me. I know that somebody touched Me. 47 The woman now realized her secret was going to come out sooner or later, so she stepped out of the crowd, shaking with fear, and she fell down in front of Jesus. Then she told her story in front of everyone—why she touched Him, what happened as a result. Jesus: 48 Your faith has made you well again, daughter. Go in peace.

Luke 8:43-48

The Lord says,
Radiant love. Love so alive that it radiates out of your heart, out of your face, out of your body and touches the world around you — this is the anointing of My love. My love is an equipping, enabling and empowering force for change. My love inside of you is the same power that raised Christ from the dead. That power is Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is love, and Holy Spirit imparts love. Holy Spirit carries the anointing and as you bless others because of My love, you will feel the flow of My anointing.

You will feel the flow, that same feeling Jesus spoke of when the woman of the issue of blood touched the hem of His garment. The power that left Him and went in to heal her body was the anointing. You have this same anointing through Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. Practice releasing it to the world around you. Reach out a hand and pray for healing. Release peace in your home, your workplace, your community. You can release peace in every room you enter. Tap into the anointing that comes with Holy Spirit. Strengthen your faith in the power you have been bestowed. It is My power, gifted to you, delegated to you. Don’t leave it sitting there unused and neglected. Pick it up. It is a weapon for spiritual warfare. It conquers darkness. The anointing breaks the yoke of darkness. Use the anointing by strong declarations of righteous order and truth.

6 The high praises of God shall be in their mouths,
And a two-edged sword in their hands,

Psalm 149:6

Stir up affection for Me in your heart. As you do, you will feel My love inside of you. Continue to stir that up through worship, adoration, prayer and communion with Me until you feel this love radiating from you. Once you feel it radiating from your body, you can direct that power, that anointing. Begin to practice using it. Begin to bless others with it. Allow My love and My grace to fill you to the overflowing so abundantly that all those around you feel touched by My love. That touch of love causes darkness to flee. That touch of love can create an opening in hearts and minds that was not there before. Activate the gifts that I have put within you. Be a blessing and a mighty weapon of love as you go about your day.

61 The Spirit of the Lord, the Eternal, is on me.
The Lord has appointed me for a special purpose.
He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to repair broken hearts,
And to declare to those who are held captive and bound in prison,
“Be free from your imprisonment!”
2 He has sent me to announce the year of jubilee, the season of the Eternal’s favor:
for our enemies it will be a day of God’s wrath;
For those who mourn it will be a time of comfort.
3 As for those who grieve over Zion,
God has sent me to give them a beautiful crown in exchange for ashes,
To anoint them with gladness instead of sorrow,
to wrap them in victory, joy, and praise instead of depression and sadness.
People will call them magnificent, like great towering trees
standing for what is right.
They stand to the glory of the Eternal
who planted them.

Isaiah 61:1-3

You will see this world transformed by My love, and you have a place in that transformation. You have a place in touching and reaching many. As you stir up your love for Me, you will stir up the anointing. As you grow stronger in your love for Me and in your connection to Me, so too will your access and ability to wield the anointing increase. They are connected. My love is the fuel of the anointing within you. Our connection is imperative for keeping your tank full.

How to Respond

  • Seek the Lord.
  • Spend time in worship. Fill your heart and mind with thanksgiving and praise for the Lord. Bring Him continual offerings of praise.
  • Ask the Lord to teach you how to tap into His love and the anointing to bless those around you and to break the yoke of darkness.
  • Practice blessing people with the anointing by reaching out a hand and touching them while giving an encouragement or kind word. Notice the feeling of the anointing as it emits and transfers from you to them in that moment.
  • Practice releasing peace in the places you go. See the difference it makes in your experience there.
  • Declare, the Lord has equipped me with His love and His anointing; and I am empowered to break the yoke of darkness that is holding on to people I love and to anyone the Lord puts in my path.


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