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Prepare for Plunder

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am your Rock and firm foundation. All other ground is sinking sand. Trust in Me. Stand upon Me. Stand upon My Word of truth. I Am the stability of your times. You can remain secure, unshaken, untouched, unaffected even as you stand firmly, unwaveringly, securely planted in Me. The world is in for a shaking. The world is heading to a tumult. This is not new news. I will shake everything that can be shaken.

Undeniable Truth Will Emerge & Change Everything

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Great grace is on truth in this hour. Truth will sprout like skyscrapers emerging from the ground. This is not the time for meek, nearly invisible truth. This is the time of truth that towers. Truth will tower over the people and over the earth in an undeniable way. Where things once seemed to be business as usual, large, tremendous, never seen before obstacles will come in the way.

The Great Shift Is Here: As We Humble Ourselves He Will Heal Our Land

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I won’t fail. Establish yourself firmly in Me. Plant yourself firmly in me, on My truth, the only truth, My truth — and watch how I come through for You. I Am not a God who fails. Failure is not in My repertoire, though I can move in failures. I can move and use failures. It’s one of My specialties. But I don’t fail you. I never have, and I never will.

Jesus Is the Ancient Foundation and the Only Way Forward

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
We are on the precipice of change. The precipice is the tipping point of change. It will take you into the great, wide unknown. It may feel like a free fall, but I will bear you up. We have hit the point of no return. We can’t go backward. We can’t go back the way we came. We must go forward. We must take the first step, and we must return to the ancient foundations which feel very, very, very, extraordinarily far from here.

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