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Kings Take Dominion When Kings Go Out to War

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Kings take dominion when kings go out to war. They don't take dominion by sitting back, by waiting and by watching from afar. No, kings take dominion when kings go out to war. Go forward in strength, in boldness and in the confidence of the Lord, knowing that I go before you; and I fully back your exploits to disrupt the darkness and remove power from the wicked.

The Battle and the Victory Are the Lord’s, The Service is Ours

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Chosen ones are arising. Ones marked in the Spirit for service are arising. I have imparted an anointing for such a time as this. It’s an anointing, an invitation and a very strong magnetic call to be positioned ones, to occupy specifically ordained positions in the battlefield, to be ones who man their place, and to be ones who weather and ride out the high seas and the storm from the deck of the battleship.

Partner with the Truth — It Will Bring the Victory

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
We have overcoming victory in Jesus. In Him, we have and we can overcome the world. Trust in His overcoming power for victory. Trust that I Am the one who made Jacob sneaky, though he did not always use it for good. Jacob was like His Father in Heaven. He was the usurper. I have many times before and I will again usurp the enemy on behalf of My beloved ones.

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