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This Is a Season of Realizing

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficient for your life. My grace is sufficient for your heart, your desires, your needs. My grace covers you, surrounds you and enables you. My grace connects to My favor and draws blessing in, draws connections in, draws hope realized in.

The Death Blow Will Not Stand

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m going to be the source of a rumble. A rumble in the spirit is coming. A rumble and a stir are being stirred up in the spirit. This is the war of the ages, the spirit war of the ages. This is a time when darkness believes that it has won. This is a war of luring the enemy into a false sense of security, a false sense of victory, and it will strike what feels like a crushing blow into the hearts and homes of many.

Innocent, Razor-Sharp Ones Are Ascending to the High Places & They Will Take Out the Trash

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I keep My little ones nestled to My chest. Do I send them out in the fire? Into the battle? Yes. All the while, they have unfettered access to My heart, My voice, My protection, My wisdom and My instruction. Many are leaving the nest now. Many are marching right out of the nest and flying. My grace is present like a strong but gentle breeze enabling them to fly, to soar, to rise up even higher.

We Are in the Overthrowing

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My glory will overcome. We are in days of overcoming. We are in days of overthrowing, usurping and overturning. These are days of great overcoming. These are days of the captives being freed, of the prisoners overwhelming and overthrowing the guards and the gatekeepers and tearing down the high walls that have blocked you all from freedom and wide-open spacious living.

God Is Turning It Around

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Trust Me. Trust My ways. Trust My Word. Trust that I will do and I Am doing what I said I will do. Trust Me to turn things around. I Am the captain of this ship, and though the turnaround seems slow, I Am turning it. I Am the captain of this ship, and I will make things right. I will put this ship in the right direction.

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