The Lord says, Justice. Peace. Power. Change. An outpouring of love. Transformation. These are days of rapid transformation. The world as you know it will change in a single day. Reality will change.
The Lord says, It’s resurrection time. It’s resurrection day. It’s resurrection hour. Watch for mighty unexpected turnarounds so surprising and so wild that they make your head spin. Watch for everything to be changed in a day.
The Lord says, This is a spring of hope, change and love. This is a spring of major shifts — tectonic shifts. This is a spring of leaps, acceleration and launches. This is a spring of change. Position yourself for change. Position yourself for flexibility and for running at top speed. It will not be a gradual acceleration.
The Lord says, Resurrection is upon us. Change is upon us. Transformation is upon us. Wild, uncharted territory is upon us. These are new days. This is a new hour. This is a new moment, a new chance, a blank slate and an open door.
The Lord says, This season is about resurrection. It’s about new life. It will be remembered and written about as a time where many things that were believed to be dead came back to life, where many unexpected circumstances took a major turn long after it was assumed final.
The Lord says, Do you feel the anticipation of victory? Do you feel the anticipation of sudden change? Do you feel that the Earth is about to experience a mighty jolting shift? It’s time for change. It’s time for joy. It’s time to live again.
The Lord says, It’s resurrection season. It’s grave shaking season. It’s the time when kings go out to war. It’s Pentecost season. It’s the winds of change season. It’s the arrival of My Glory season. It’s the powerful blast of My Presence season.
The Lord says, Hope is rising. Courage is rising. A certainty and expectation of change is rising. Expectation of good is rising. Expectation of justice is rising. An expectation of hidden traps snapping shut on the hunters who set them is rising.
The Lord says, It is resurrection season. It is a powerful time of upheaval and change. It’s a time where all things are being made new. It is the harvest season in the system of seed, plant harvest. These are the days where what has been sown will be reaped, where the chickens arrive home to roost, where what comes around goes around, where you get what you gave.
The Lord says, It’s time for resurrection. It’s a time of resurgence of Jesus in the Earth. It’s a time where His Name is longed for, desired, honored and made famous. It’s a time of returning to first things — first principles, foundations, family and passionate, hungry love for Jesus.