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Change that Launches Destiny

The Lord says, 
This is a spring of hope, change and love. This is a spring of major shifts — tectonic shifts. This is a spring of leaps, acceleration and launches. This is a spring of change. Position yourself for change. Position yourself for flexibility and for running at top speed. It will not be a gradual acceleration.

Be Change

The Lord says, 
Resurrection is upon us. Change is upon us. Transformation is upon us. Wild, uncharted territory is upon us. These are new days. This is a new hour. This is a new moment, a new chance, a blank slate and an open door.

Destiny Watch

The Lord says, 
Do you feel the anticipation of victory? Do you feel the anticipation of sudden change? Do you feel that the Earth is about to experience a mighty jolting shift? It’s time for change. It’s time for joy. It’s time to live again.

The Days of the Lord’s Comeback

The Lord says, 
It is resurrection season. It is a powerful time of upheaval and change. It’s a time where all things are being made new. It is the harvest season in the system of seed, plant harvest. These are the days where what has been sown will be reaped, where the chickens arrive home to roost, where what comes around goes around, where you get what you gave.

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