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It’s Time to Chase Hell Out of the Church

I heard the Spirit of the Living Sovereign Reigning God say, 
It’s time to return to the essentials, to the simple, to the pure, no frills Gospel of Christ and His Kingdom. It is time for a heavenly restoration of all things. It is time to wake up and recognize the war that you are in. A spiritual war wages around you, yet many sit idly by. Many operate in the mode of business as usual. Many adapt to wartime circumstances without even recognizing that they are in the midst of a war zone. This is not business as usual.

Scattered No More

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My sheep have scattered. My sheep have scattered, because the gate is broken. A thief broke in, broke the gate and now the sheep have scattered. My sheep are broken off into small groups. They are scattered within the bounds of the gate and outside of its boundaries. I Am an all consuming fire.

Freedom & the True Church Are Rising

The Lord says, 
If you want freedom from the burden of sin, come to the cross of Jesus. His blood was spilled to heal you, save you, restore you and give you victory in life. Indeed, the very power of life is in His blood. Come and accept the offering of Jesus’s sacrifice, accept His blood as atonement and be counted as one worthy, one crucified with Him and raised to life with Him.

It’s Time for Authority & Action

The Lord says, 
I’m moving in people’s hearts today. Their hearts are connected to their eyes. Their eyes see what their hearts believe and desire. I have told you that the heart is deceitful above all else (Jeremiah 17:9). There are many days, many instances when you should not trust your heart, your feelings. You can’t trust feelings, because feelings are not truth. Feelings are feelings. They can be moved and tossed by small events, large events and other people’s moods and spiritual conditions.

A Great Spiritual Clash

The Lord says, 
The drumbeat is getting louder. The clash is getting more intense and more visible. The clash between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. These are the forces that are clashing in the spiritual realm, and it is playing out before your very eyes on the Earth in real time.

Unity and the Glory

The Lord says, I am thinking about how the family of the future will dwell and operate in unity. Oneness will be a mark of the family of the future. They will be moved by My Spirit and live in joy and communion together. There will be a service aspect to it - serving one another in love and sacrifice, and serving others together with the same spirit.

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