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It’s Time to Live in Wonder

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
It’s time to live in wonder. It’s time to have fresh eyes like a child and see the world in absolute wonder. It’s time to let your heart dream freely with no limitations again. It’s time to set your heart to freedom mode, to the mode where nothing is impossible and everything is a possibility within reach. It’s time to live with eyes of wonder.

Let the Builders Build, Let the Dreamers Dream and Build

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is on your heart. My grace is moving, hovering, brooding over dreams, visions, hopes and aspirations. My grace is hovering over the builders — those in whose heart is a city in which to dwell, those in whose heart are vast dreams, complex dreams and simple dreams. My heart is hovering over the builders who see the city in their mind’s eye, whose minds live in the future because of the dreams of their heart.

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