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The Revival of the Ages

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Strong people, men and women of impeccable character who reflect Me, they are the ones I have chosen to lead, to teach, to coach in the Revival of the Ages. These are ones who have been training and building strength and endurance in private — almost in seclusion — with maybe only a few likeminded people surrounding them and going in the same direction as them.

The Lord and His Angel Armies Have Come

The Lord says, 
My Spirit is moving behind the scenes. My Spirit is accomplishing things in darkness. My Spirit is doing imperceptible things that will change the course of decision making, of events and of history. I Am the rainbow lining of the cloud. I Am present and arriving in greater measure in My rainbow glory.

Dance Fearlessly into Your Destiny

The Lord says, 
Do your dancing for an audience of One. Do your work, your life, your fun — do it all for Me. Live, dance, enjoy and move forward with intrepid determination as if I Am the only one watching. Truly, I Am the only one whose opinion matters. I Am the very air in your lungs. Shake off the concern about what others think of you, what their opinions are, what their mouths speak about you.

Truth and Justice Are Rising As Mighty Towers

The Lord says, 
Stir up your affection for Me. Stir up your love for Me. Stir up your thanksgiving for Me and the awareness of My faithfulness, the recognition of My Presence. Build yourself up in your most holy faith. Build yourself up in the truth. I Am the way, the truth and the life. Truth is rising, and justice is rising almost as a parallel image.

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