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We’re Moving into the Best Days

The Lord says, 
It won’t be long now till you’re dancing and having the time of your life. It won’t be long until you declare that you are living in the Best Days Ever. Celebration is near. Fill your hearts up full with love for Me. Fill your mouths with songs of praise and words of thanksgiving. Prepare your heart and your spirit.

Resurrections, Harvests & Warrior-Builders

The Lord says, 
Jesus is the Resurrected King. He is the Lord of the Resurrection and has dominion, power and the authority to call forth resurrections. He is the One, through the power of Holy Spirit, who is calling what’s dead to life now. Like He did with Lazarus, He’s calling your dreams, promises and hopes to come forth from dark tombs.

A Time of Glory, Freedom & Change

The Lord says, 
I Am the Everlasting Father. My Kingdom knows no end, and My government extends with it. The government rests on My shoulders — the government of My Kingdom. As My Kingdom expands, as My Glory comes and fills the Earth, as it touches people, moves people and as they enter My Kingdom, My Kingdom expands and My protective covering as the governmental leader of My Kingdom extends and covers them.

The First Fruits of the Harvests Are Here

The Lord says, 
You are beginning to taste the first fruits of your labor. You are beginning to enter the early harvest for what you have sown and toiled for. You didn’t necessarily even know what kind of trees and plants you were planting and tending. But you are beginning to see and taste the fruits of it, and they are sweet, perfect and a great delight.

The Lord’s Graces & The Pure Gospel

The Lord says, 
Choose Me. Choose to worship. Choose to bow. No matter what. Live with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise. Live with eyes full of light and joy that come from deep in the wells of My living water. Lift your vessels deep deep within My wells and draw out trust, hope, joy and an abundant mindset. All of these come from deep in the well of My living water.

Don’t Fear the Dark Days

The Lord says, 
I have you. You are loved. You are covered by My love. Lean on Me. Wait on Me. Trust in Me. Step by step. Moment by moment. This is training ground. This is valuable education. This is valuable strength building. This is valuable endurance training. The work you’ve put your hands to, the training and strengthening you have done and the tests that have come your way have all prepared you for this moment, for this time. You have everything you need to weather this storm beautifully and to make the enemy look like the fool he is.

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