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A Great Revival and a Great Revealing

The Lord says, 
As a school bus picks up children in a neighborhood, so am I collecting new believers. I Am bringing them to a school for young believers, and they will be instructed in the basics. And they will grow, and be curious, and learn. They will gain an understanding of their authority, their inheritance, of the power that has been given to them from on high.

The Dawn of a New Day

The Lord says, 
This is a time of great evil in government. Government leaders at every level are corrupt influence peddlers. And for many, their evil extends far beyond pay to play schemes and money. The stench of their evil is pervasive and it rises up to Me and offends Me. Like filthy, stinking dogs, they have no power to cleanse themselves, no ability to cover the stench of their offenses.

A Beautiful Relay of Life

The Lord says, 
A person puts out what they want to be seen. But I can see into the heart of a matter. I can see heartbreak, heartache, pain, love, motives, emotions, desires. I can see it all. It doesn’t matter what image people want to portray. They are not fooling Me. They are not hiding from Me. I can see it. They are allowed to be transparent and honest, open and broken, in a place of need or desire - with Me. Regardless of whether they choose to be transparent and honest, I see these parts anyway. I see it all. 

Days of Salvation & Transformation

The Lord says, 
I Am fishing for men and women today, for boys and girls. It’s My delight to catch them, to pull them up out of the stream that they have been in, out of their go-with-the-flow routine and to breathe new life into their lungs. To fill them with a revelation of Who I Am and what I’ve done for them. To change their hearts forever. The stream is full today, and I Am casting and catching one after another. These are individual lives that are being changed.

The Flood of His Glory

The Lord says, 
I Am healing, I Am doing deep, permanent healing - healing of hearts and minds, healing that restores discernment between truth and lies, between fact and fiction, between right and wrong. I Am doing a deep deep work among the people. I Am stitching hearts back together. I Am restoring neural pathways and creating new ones. Minds are being healed, and they are becoming holy. Believers are are finally receiving, taking on the Mind of Christ that is their birthright as a son or daughter.

Great Harvest of the Great Awakening

The Lord says, 
I’m in a good mood. I Am moving. I Am hovering. What is happening in the world has not escaped My notice or attention. But what I Am pleased with, what is bringing Me great pleasure, is the increased unity of the Body of Christ. I see a great increase in the unity today. Your voices are raising up to Me in unison today, and your prayers are rising to Me with the beautiful fragrance of incense. This is a tender moment of unity, brokenness and earnest seeking.

Visitations, Treasure Hunts and Exposure

The Lord says, 
These are the things on My heart today - healing, stirring up hearts, bringing joy, and My precious ones. I Am entering homes today. I Am making Myself known today. I was pierced for their transgressions, yet they have not been taught. I suffered for their iniquities, yet they carry them still and commit them still. It’s like the world is living in a parallel universe created by the lies of satan.

Spring of True Freedom

The Lord says, 
I Am shining a bright light on the earth, into the hearts of men and women. It’s a light of exposure and a light of truth. I Am revealing people to themselves and I Am revealing the truth of Who I Am to them as well. This is a time of great revealing - revealing that leads to the dawning of revelation. They will see and know and understand both their own condition, and Who I Am. They will hunger to know Me. They will seek with great hunger for Me. And they will find Me. 

Restoration & Awakening

The Lord says, 
Jesus. The primacy of Jesus. The essential nature of Jesus. He is the Word made flesh. He is the very breath of God. He is the answer for every problem. He has already overcome every evil, every sickness. Every work of the enemy has already been defeated by the finished work of Jesus on the cross and in His resurrection from the dead.

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