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Freedom Is Being Loosed

The Lord says, 
This is a time for dancing, for rejoicing, for celebrating and for loving. Live big. Live loudly. Celebrate all that I have done. As you do, you will see My Hand move to accomplish even more. This is a season where celebration, worship and thanksgiving will beget more reasons for the same. They will have a visible causal compound effect.

The Battle of Truth

The Lord says, 
Stay strong. Stay firm. Keep your eyes on Me, and be immovable, unshakable. Help is on the way. Change is on the way. Don’t give up now, and don’t back down. I Am here. I Am with you, and I Am for you. Don’t be moved. Don’t relent. Don’t let the weariness overtake you.

Where Is the Justice?

The Lord says, 
The scales of justice are wavering in the balance. The scales of justice have been wobbling back and forth for some time now, for too long now. Those in positions to render justice have wavered between two opinions for too long.

The People Desire a Simple and Free Life

The Lord says, 
The nations rage like a sea filled with crashing waves, and they foam like a sea that is greatly unsettled. Some rage because of a great desire for war. They perceive weakness on the world stage, and they desire — they hunger and thirst for war, for power, to be exalted above other nations. But the people’s hearts are tired and angry.

The Lord Is Arriving in His Rainbow Glory

The Lord says, 
I Am brooding over My people as a mama hen broods over her chicks. I Am watchful, protective and fierce. I have seen the oppression, the force fed propaganda, the shrieking and the lies all directed against the hearts of My people, all directed against My established ways, all directed to weaken and crush My people into submission to the enemy of your soul.

Live in Joy and Purity

The Lord says, 
Resurrection. New life. New perspective. New hope. New vision. New expectations. I Am taking the lid off of limitations. I Am taking the lid off of what is currently believed to be possible, and I Am calling you to roar. I am calling you to rise up, to soar. I Am calling you to soar and get My up-higher perspective.

The Lord Is Pouring Out Bowls of Blessing and Turnaround

The Lord says, 
Resurrection, surprises, blessing, love and power — that is what I Am pouring out on the people. The bowls that have been gathering these for the people in Heaven are now overflowing, and I will tip them over the balcony of Heaven into your life. Watch as wild expressions of My love, gifts, blessings, unexpected resurrections, and a mighty endowment of power from On High comes into your life, comes into many lives.

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