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The Comeback

The Lord says,
Let’s call it a comeback. I Am making a comeback. One that has been prophesied and longed for by My people. I Am making a comeback that has been seen in the hearts of My lovers. I Am making a comeback again, and it will blow people’s minds. Whether you have seen it in the Spirit, prayed and for and desired it greatly, or have been completely oblivious — My comeback will be a stunning one.

Wildfires of Truth

The Lord says, 
Things are heating up. Some officials, some in leadership positions - from the bottom to the top are getting hot under the collar. They are starting to sweat. I Am raising the temperature on them. I Am raising their awareness of accountability as a real and imminent thing. I Am causing them to look to and fro, to be jumpy, and to look over their shoulders.

Grace for Overcoming is Here

The Lord says, 
I Am moving in timid hearts. I Am the King of Hearts. Make Me the King of yours. I Am making joy abound. I Am filling hearts with joy that doesn’t match circumstances - it’s a very stark contrast to circumstances. I Am bringing joy and causing joy to well up. It is from this wellspring that hope and action and advancing come. It is this joy that brings fresh life and energy and perspective. It is because of the infusion of this joy that you can run unhindered and with full confidence and conviction into the battle ahead.

Make Room for Freedom

The Lord says, 
Just as a sailboat floats on the water, and lifts its sails to glide, just as an eagle takes flight with one powerful flap of its wings, so is life in the Spirit. It is not a life of stress, anxiety, handwringing and running in circles. It is not a lifestyle of fretting. It is walking in security, confidence, authority and faith. It’s having certainty that the Lord is guiding you and He’s walking right beside you.

Truth and Freedom are Coming

The Lord says, 
Open your eyes and see, recognize that I have not left you alone. I have never left you on your own. I Am here. My Presence is with you. It covers you. It protects you. It comforts you. Don’t agree with the lie that you are alone, that I’ve left you, that you are facing any circumstance in life on your own.

A Wellspring of Joy & a Covering of Peace

The Lord says, 
Wait on My timing. Keep a guard on your mouth and only speak life. Live with a a thankful heart. Take stock of your blessings and count them one by one. Learn to enjoy the moment, to live in the moment. Don’t carry so many cares around. Learn to live carefree, because you have a Father who cares deeply for you.

A Healing and a Reckoning

The Lord says, 
I Am healing hate. I Am moving to heal hate from this land, in this land. Hate is rising up like smoke signals from the land. Where there is smoke there is fire. There is burning. The land is filled with many smoke signals. These are signals born of brokenness, born of mistreatment, born of misunderstanding and of believing lies --about one’s self or about others. I can see the brokenness and the hurt that has gone unchecked and has turned into hatred. Many people are hurting.

Generations of Covenant

The Lord says, 
When I return will I find faith on the Earth? Is there faith for healing, faith for miracles, faith for this great transformation, this great flipping of circumstances that I have foretold through many prophets? I say that faith indeed does grow in darkness. This is not a psychological mechanism for self preservation. This is your spirit reaching out for Me. This is your spirit reaching out for help with passion to see the fulfillment of what your heart is hoping for. That is what faith is.

A Great Outpouring of Glory

The Lord says, Holy and sanctified imaginations. I Am raising them up, I Am bringing them to a place of prominence. I Am raising them up, on the mountain of influence in media and entertainment, especially. This is a suddenly. Freedom. The feeling of the open road, the feeling of running through a wide open meadow, the feeling of being out on the water.

Rest & Adventure

The Lord says, 
Grace and favor for My people. I’m moving in grace and favor over My people, on behalf of My people. I will touch them with tangible expressions of My grace and favor, and they will be surprised and they will feel it and receive it as My love moving in their life.

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