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Welcome to the New Day

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficient for change. My grace is sufficient to be change and to bring change. Change is all around you. Everywhere you look is change. Times are connecting for change. Moments are intersecting for change. My grace is sufficient for change, and lives are meeting at crossroads of change.

Be A Pillar of Immovable, Reliable Truth

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Shed corruption and compromise. Wash yourself off with the waters of truth. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don’t fudge on the edges. Don’t manipulate the truth for gain, even if you feel the ends justify the means. Stay pure. The truth can stand for itself. The truth is no shrinking violet. Your lips may have shrunk back from speaking the truth, but that is no fault of the truth.

Our God Is An All Consuming Fire

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Truth is a discipline. To be in truth, to remain in truth, to be anchored to truth and unwavering from a stance and position of truth is a discipline. It is a choice. Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. Your God is an all consuming fire, and truth is an aspect of this fire. Truth destroys and consumes lies and deceit on contact.

This is the Great Spirit War

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I have high prospects for having many who see from My perspective, who come and look out from this prospect, from My vantage point and can see the world from My perspective, can see from up higher. It’s time for up higher thinking and up higher viewing. It’s time for up higher planning and up higher doing.

The Days of Fire Require Fire

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am an all-consuming fire. And no man, no beast, no principality can extinguish the light of Me. You are the light of the world. I have placed My fire inside of you, inside of your heart. It’s time to stoke the fire. It’s time to turn up the heat. It’s time to burn with passion, with desire, with purity. It’s time for your fires to roar to a a blazing undeniable roar. I have called you My burning ones, so burn with passion.

March On

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
You are My treasure and My reward. Your beauty comes from within, though I have made you beautiful on the outside too. You have purified yourself. You have submitted to cleansing, to purification, to deep, sometimes painful personal cleansing. And now beauty flows out of you like a wild and luscious meadow, like a delightful flower garden, like an enchanting melody.

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