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Be A Shining Example of Full Freedom

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m at rest. My soul is at rest. I’m drawing you into a place of perfect rest in Me. It doesn’t mean that you don’t put your hand to the plow. It doesn’t mean that you don’t continue to advance. It means that you are moved by the light of My Son. You are moved by the wind of My Spirit. Rest in Me. Be at peace in Me.

You Were Not Meant to Be A Beast of Burden, You Were Made to Run Wild & Free

I heard The Spirit of the Lord say, 
My eyes are on the sparrow. I see your heart. I see the contents of it. I see the places that are tender and bring pain when touched. I know what lights you up, what excites you and delights you. I know what makes you tick. I made you. You are beautiful, inside and out. You are wonderfully and perfectly made. Put your trust in Me. Put the full weight of your confidence and trust in Me. I will give you rest.

Shine and Advance!

The Lord says, 
Shine in the shaking. Though the earth trembles beneath you. Though every step seems uncertain and the ground beneath you threatens to give way, shine. Shine as you represent Me to a lost and dying world around you. Shine as the attacks come from every angle. Shine.

Fear Not

The Lord says, 
Fear not, I am with you. Peace be still — no matter what comes, no matter what goes. I Am with you. I Am here comforting you. I Am your place of respite and refuge. I Am a strong tower. I Am strong and mighty. No foe can come against Me and win.

Make Room for Promises Fulfilled

The Lord says, 
I Am moving you, calling you from a place of striving and effort, busyness and stress, to a place of rest in Me, to a place of being, not doing. Life in Me is not about performance or numbers or activities. Life in Me is about dwelling with Me, about connection with Me, and about walking side-by-side with Me. When you are moving with My Spirit, you can sense and see what I Am in and what I Am not in. And you can align your work accordingly. Life in the Spirit is life drenched in meaning.

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