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Visitations, Treasure Hunts and Exposure

The Lord says, 
These are the things on My heart today - healing, stirring up hearts, bringing joy, and My precious ones. I Am entering homes today. I Am making Myself known today. I was pierced for their transgressions, yet they have not been taught. I suffered for their iniquities, yet they carry them still and commit them still. It’s like the world is living in a parallel universe created by the lies of satan.

A Great Reversal and a Great Awakening

The Lord says, 
I Am your rescue story. I Am the rescue story of this generation, of the world. It’s a rescue story of going from bondage to freedom, of being oppressed by wickedness to living in a place and time where purity, truth and justice matter. It’s calling you from death to life. It’s a full healing, a full restoration.

A Great Outpouring of Glory

The Lord says, Holy and sanctified imaginations. I Am raising them up, I Am bringing them to a place of prominence. I Am raising them up, on the mountain of influence in media and entertainment, especially. This is a suddenly. Freedom. The feeling of the open road, the feeling of running through a wide open meadow, the feeling of being out on the water.

Days of Awe

The Lord says, 
I Am your rescue story. Many more will have rescue stories and consider themselves rescued by My Hand, by My grace, by My love, by My provision. Many many many will come, will humble themselves before Me, will bow in awe and wonder. This is the day of many eyes being opened for the first time, or being re-opened after years of blindness to Me. This is the day of many hearts being set free.

Clearing the Decks

The Lord says, 
Purity and innocence. I long to see My children return to a place of purity and innocence. I long for them to live in pure joy, with clean and open, unbroken, uncorrupted hearts; with eyes of wonder, full of faith; with minds filled with beautiful, worthy, clean things.

Rest & Adventure

The Lord says, 
Grace and favor for My people. I’m moving in grace and favor over My people, on behalf of My people. I will touch them with tangible expressions of My grace and favor, and they will be surprised and they will feel it and receive it as My love moving in their life.

Two Springs

I desire joy and fulfillment for My children. I want to see them laugh and play again. I want to see them shake off the shackles of oppression, the weight, the heaviness, the seriousness of this world. I Am bringing freedom to restore joy. I long to see My children laughing and playing and shouting and singing and dancing for joy in My Presence. In My creation. In purity.

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