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It’s Time for War

The Lord says, 
Close your eyes and imagine the the Kenyan plains with wild animals grazing. They look so serene from far away, and then when you get close, they are massive and fierce, and deadly. This is a picture of the life I have called you to lead — to mind your own business, to guard your territory, and to viciously defend it against all trespassers and enemies, foreign and domestic. I have called you to be a fierce warrior.

The Storm is Near

The Lord says, 
The season is about to shift very quickly. It is about to be an abrupt season change, a major, huge pivot. And it will be disorienting, and it may feel alarming and unsettling and and urgent. You are already in a season of low visibility, and so too will the next season be one of low visibility. In this season, it has been very difficult to see inches in front of your face. I Am bringing some moments to this next season where you will be able to see clearly.

It’s Time for Authority & Action

The Lord says, 
I’m moving in people’s hearts today. Their hearts are connected to their eyes. Their eyes see what their hearts believe and desire. I have told you that the heart is deceitful above all else (Jeremiah 17:9). There are many days, many instances when you should not trust your heart, your feelings. You can’t trust feelings, because feelings are not truth. Feelings are feelings. They can be moved and tossed by small events, large events and other people’s moods and spiritual conditions.

The Storm Bringing a New Day

The Lord says,
We are entering a place that transitions you to the safety of home, to an escape from the chaos of the swirling and the noise of the world. This is the time and place where I Am protecting you, shielding you, hiding you from the chaos outside. There is a big storm brewing outside. The gray clouds are moving swiftly and ominously. Lightning is striking, and the thunder is clapping in warning.

Spring of True Freedom

The Lord says, 
I Am shining a bright light on the earth, into the hearts of men and women. It’s a light of exposure and a light of truth. I Am revealing people to themselves and I Am revealing the truth of Who I Am to them as well. This is a time of great revealing - revealing that leads to the dawning of revelation. They will see and know and understand both their own condition, and Who I Am. They will hunger to know Me. They will seek with great hunger for Me. And they will find Me. 

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