The Lord says, Notable miracles. Just as I have said through Apostle Tim Sheets, you will see notable miracles. These are days of notable miracles. Watch as you see notable miracles unfold before your very eyes.
The Lord says, Resurrection. Revival. Restoration. Reformation. And a new way of life. A new way of life will emerge like a bright new day — a new way of thinking, of living, of operating. The people will see the treasure in one another and treasure and honor them for it.
The Lord says, These are days of promises fulfilled. These are days of dreams coming true, prayers being answered and prodigals coming home. These are days where the cry of your heart, the place of your deepest longing will become a tree of life. We are walking into sweet days of fulfillment.
The Lord says, Justice. As far as the eye can see. Row after row after row of justice. Nowhere you look will you be able to miss justice. I the Lord love justice. I Am establishing justice, and justice will fill the House. Justice will fill the Senate. Justice will permeate the Chambers.
The Lord says, Justice. Peace. Power. Change. An outpouring of love. Transformation. These are days of rapid transformation. The world as you know it will change in a single day. Reality will change.
The Lord says, Resurrection and new life are bubbling forth, bubbling up, bubbling to the surface. New life is springing forth powerfully. It is establishing itself unapologetically. These are the days of new springing forth.
The Lord says, It’s resurrection time. It’s resurrection day. It’s resurrection hour. Watch for mighty unexpected turnarounds so surprising and so wild that they make your head spin. Watch for everything to be changed in a day.
The Lord says, I Am swinging wide the doors of these corrupted and corrupting schools of thought. I Am swinging them wide, releasing the captive audience, the captive students, even captive instructors; and I Am making it so they never resume classes again. It’s time for free movement and free thought.
The Lord says, I’m ringing the bell on this season. I’m ringing the bell on familiar ways of operating, of going through the motions, of numbness to the world around you, of zombie-like living. I’m ringing the bell on it and swinging wide the school doors.
The Lord says, These are the days of the unlikely happening. These are the days of the outliers becoming reality. These are the days of things you couldn’t even fathom, dream or imagine coming to pass.