The Lord says, The cheese has been set in the traps, and the big rats will not be able to resist it. Though they can sense the walls closing in around them, they cannot fathom being caught.
The Lord says, Change, change, change. Nothing will remain as it is. All that is good will get better, and all of the evil standing will be flipped. We are walking into massive turnarounds and change, change, change.
The Lord says, It’s resurrection season, and Jesus is risen indeed. He is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus is. Only Jesus. All other paths lead to a dead end. The path of Jesus leads to glorious life, abundant life, restoration, healing, promise, hope, acceptance and forgiveness.
The Lord says, Signs of spring are all around. You can see them, hear them, smell them, touch them. New life is bursting forth all around you. What was dry and dead is now bursting with life, and more evidence is coming forth daily. The chickens are coming home to roost.
The Lord says, Jesus. The holiness and preeminence of Jesus, the miracle working power of Jesus, the total and complete freedom that comes from knowing Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to Me except through Him.
The Lord says, Resurrection. Healing. New life. A new season. A new day. A new era. A new chance. A fresh start. A slate wiped clean. The smell of freshly sharpened pencils. Ears, hearts and eyes ready to learn.
The Lord says, It’s Resurrection Season and things are rapidly changing. Just as in spring when you see a rapid transformation of the world around you from death to life, so too will you see many unexpected situations, processes and systems, relationships and circumstances, worldviews and even tools rise up from death to life.
The Lord says, It’s Resurrection Season. Can you feel it in your heart? Can you feel the anticipation? Can you perceive the sense of expectation? Something big is about to drop, and something else will rise as a result. Christ Jesus is the forerunner.
The Lord says, Change, change, change. Strange changes. Turnarounds. Facing the truth. Exposure. It’s a time when all will see and all will face the strange changes. The changes, the times, the season will elicit a great wave of repentance.
The Lord says, I’m looking for fiery passionate, powerful love. I’m looking for those whose love for Me is electric. I’m looking for those who are on fire, wild, burning and full of passion for Me, for My ways and for the truth.