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We Are At War

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficiently coming into the hearts and lives of men, women, boys and girls. My grace is sufficiently coming into lives, under feet to empower and enable you to walk where I Am calling you and directing you to go. I Am calling you to murky terrain, rocky terrain and war zone terrain, but your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and with an extra measure and covering of My grace that is sufficient for you to tread and take ground in this territory, in this land, in this war zone.

Warriors of Light, Arise!

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
This is a war season, but it does not have to be doom and gloom. I have placed in your heart the fight. I have placed in your heart the desire to fight, to conquer, to occupy and to win. I have given you the heart of a warrior, and the battle belongs to Me. The battle is Mine. The glory is Mine. The victory is Mine and for those with Me.

Stay Within the Protective Covering of the Lord

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am stirring up the rebel kings and the self-appointed princes of the Earth. I Am stirring them up. I Am putting an insatiable desire for war in their mouths. The taste just won’t leave them. It is the metallic taste of blood. They love the taste of blood, and they love to see bloodshed. I Am stirring them up and fomenting their desire for war and for blood.

This Is Spirit War

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am letting down ladders from Heaven for the angelic to move swiftly to many locations on the Earth. These are strategic portals for strategic weaponry carried by My angel armies. The strike forces are here. The strike forces have arrived. They have full access to the locations I have ordained.

The Babies Will Be Warriors of Fire

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The children and the babies are on My heart — their growing up in a better world, growing up in a safer, more beautiful, more free, easier to live in world. My heart is for the babies — the ones in the mothers’ wombs. They hold so much potential, so much promise, so much precious joy, life and gifting. I made them for such a time as this.

Be Mighty Warriors of Praise

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Chase the enemy. Rout him from your land. Chase the enemy with your unceasing worship and praise. The enemy cannot succeed where worship is being raised, where voices are being lifted in worship to Me, the Most High God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Lord of All. Chase the enemy with a song.

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