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Grace for the Race Is Here

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Grace, abundant grace — flowing like a river being poured out from heavenly storehouses. My grace for change is here. My grace for doing is here. My grace for running is here. My grace for grabbing the baton and starting a new race is here. I Am pouring out My abundant grace on the ones who have been planted, stuck and felt frozen in the wilderness.

March On

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
You are My treasure and My reward. Your beauty comes from within, though I have made you beautiful on the outside too. You have purified yourself. You have submitted to cleansing, to purification, to deep, sometimes painful personal cleansing. And now beauty flows out of you like a wild and luscious meadow, like a delightful flower garden, like an enchanting melody.

It’s Time to Establish Home

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am moving to meet the heart’s desires of My children, of My beloved ones, of the ones who love Me deeply. I Am moving to answer and meet the desires of My lovers’ hearts. It’s time for change. It’s time to answer. It’s time to deliver long hoped for gifts and astonish even the biggest of dreamers with My goodness. My goodness is here.

It’s Time to Leave the Wilderness

The Lord says, 
All of the uncertainty has caused you to make room for Me. You have laid down plans, ambitions and even life as you knew it to pursue Me, to be where I placed you, and you haven’t moved. You have kept yourself firmly planted, and you have drawn closer to Me, to My heart, to My voice. You have let My nearness change you, and you are different now — more beautiful, more gentle, more approachable than you were before your life and circumstances got turned upside down.

Sweet Wilderness Time

The Lord says, 
I have called many of My warrior lovers out into the wilderness with Me. I have called them for this particular time, this particular season, and for My own very specific reasons. Many have not recognized that they are in this wilderness season because the terrain has been so unusual, the circumstances of the world surrounding them have been so unusual. This time has been so disorienting, that they haven’t even realized that I have drawn them out to the wilderness with Me.

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