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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 10
Haggai 2

In that day, neither the remnant of Israel nor the survivors of the house of Jacob will lean anymore upon the one who abused them, but they will lean fully on the faithfulness of the Lord Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob’s tribes to the mighty God. Though your people Israel were as many as the sand on the seashore, only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed, and it will be overflowing with righteousness. For the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, will complete the destruction he has decreed upon the whole land. So hear what the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, has to say: “My Zion-people, do not be gripped with fear over the Assyrians who oppress and abuse you, as the Egyptians did long ago. After only a brief moment, I will end my indignation against you, and it will fall upon them to their destruction!” The Lord Yahweh, who commands angel armies, will wield his whip against them, as when he struck Midian at the rock of Oreb. And once again he will raise his rod over the waters, as he did in Egypt. In that day the Lord will remove the heavy burden from your shoulders and break off the yoke of bondage from your necks because of the heavy anointing upon you!

Isaiah‬ ‭10‬:‭20‬-‭27‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of Living God of Truth says,
Worship Me in spirit and in truth. Exalt Me above all else. I will be your hope. I will be your rescue agent once again. I haven’t left you here to perish. I haven’t left you here to be crushed under the weight of the workload of the wicked. The gold and the silver are Mine, and I will have them saith the Lord of Hosts. We have reached a flashpoint. We have reached a tipping point. We have reached a climax.

But now take courage, Zerubbabel,’ declares the Lord, ‘take courage also, Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and all you people of the land take courage,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work; for I am with you,’ declares the Lord of hosts. ‘As for the promise which I made you when you came out of Egypt, My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!

Haggai‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Righteousness is rumbling from below the ground. I Am causing the ground to quake and tremble (in DC), and you will see a destruction overflowing with righteousness. You will see an overturning and a time of chaos erupt for My Name’s sake, to accomplish My good will and purposes — to set My people free. You will see a rumbling at the Treasury Department. Don’t fear the rumbling. Sing for joy when you see the rumbling. As the bankers and politicians and analysts and traders move into severe panic, you are to worship. You are to sing and laugh with joy, because the Lord God Almighty, your King is in the shaking. I will cause a crash that destroys their plans. I will cause a crash that flattens their stockpiles to nothing.

For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ declares the Lord of hosts.

Haggai‬ ‭2‬:‭6‬-‭7‬, ‭9‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

And I will release not only provision, but booty, but recompense, but great reward from hidden storehouses kept by the wicked. This will be the sign that we have hit a significant point in the turning. The turning has already begun, but this aspect, this series of events will reveal that My work in secret is spilling out tremendously upon My people to favor them, to repay them for all the enemy has stolen. Yet I will not rest. When this takes place, you will know that we are a third of the way there, we are at third of the way to the full turn I require, to the full turn I have put in your heart to pray for, to declare and to call forth.

How to Respond

  • Trust the Lord and worship Him with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for being Jehovah Sneaky. Thank You for moving in ways we cannot see or perceive. Thank You that You are moving once again as our great rescue agent. Thank You for moving in power to destroy the works of the wicked. Help me not to fear when I see the rumblings or the crash. Help me to rejoice and laugh and worship as You have directed.
  • Declare, some trust in horses, some trust in chariots, but I will trust in the name of the Lord my God. I will not be shaken. I will not be moved. My God is trustworthy, faithful and true. He will do what He said He will do. I belong to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
  • Decree, the Lord has stored up the wealth of the wicked for the righteous. He will cause quaking and rumbling to come that reaches a climax and then crashes decisively destroying the stockpiles of the wicked. The Lord will deliver the wealth of the wicked into the hands of His lovers. He will repay us for all the enemy has stolen and much more beyond that. I will not fear.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Trace the Lines of Your Affections
2022: Celebrate the Arrival of His Rainbow Glory
2021: The End of This Sprint Is Near


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