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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 66:12-24
John 1
Hebrews 2-4
Psalm 145

For thus says the Lord, “ Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you will be nursed, you will be carried on the hip and fondled on the knees as one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you will be comforted in Jerusalem. Then you will see this and your heart will be glad, and your bones will flourish like the new grass; and the hand of the Lord will be made known to His servants, but He will be indignant toward His enemies.”

Isaiah 66:12-14

He Is Healing

The Lord says,
I Am healing, I Am doing deep, permanent healing – healing of hearts and minds, healing that restores discernment between truth and lies, between fact and fiction, between right and wrong. I Am doing a deep deep work among the people. I Am stitching hearts back together. I Am restoring neural pathways and creating new ones. Minds are being healed, and they are becoming holy. Believers are are finally receiving, taking on the Mind of Christ that is their birthright as a son or daughter. The Mind of Christ is what allows you to see as I see, and see what I see. It allows you to process experiences and the world from a place of righteousness, compassion, love and justice. You are no longer processing the world, your interactions your situations from a place of brokenness. You can come up higher now. You are no longer broken – seeing from a lower and damaged vantage point.

Mending Up the Broken

The Lord says,
Have patience My dear ones. I know it seems quiet. The world is in chaos, and you look to Me, and I seem quiet. But I Am moving. I Am stirring up justice. I Am stirring up righteous indignation. I Am reminding believers of the power and authority they have in Me through Christ Jesus. I Am restoring right identity, right thinking and imparting the mind of Christ on those who have not known how to receive it before, who have been too broken to understand how to receive it.

Angels are here ministering. They are stitching up the broken ones. They are putting healing balm on the hearts and minds. They are waking up people, they are stirring up and mending up these believers who have never fully entered the fullness of their right as children of God. They are mending up and healing the burnt out, and those who have backed up, and those who are shell shocked and traumatized. They are ministering to them, they are applying healing balms and stitches. And they are positioning these once broken believers to join or rejoin the Army of the Lord, to step into their position as warriors. They are helping them to regain their sight, to find refreshing in the Lord, to find their hearts filled with the joy of the Lord and the zeal of the Lord – with eyes only for Him and for His will to be done on the earth.

These warriors will also be positioned as reapers for the Harvest. They require healing first, they require right thinking first. They must come up higher first. These healed ones will have incredible testimonies of My goodness, of My mercy, of My love. They will have experienced My ways and be so well positioned to lean in with love for those among the Great Harvest. These will be my zealous but gentle reapers. They will understand the delicate place and the tender place that many among the Harvest are coming from, and these recently mended warriors will bind up those broken ones, take them by the hand and lead them in My ways.

The Flood of the Spirit

The Lord says,
My Spirit is coming in like a flood. It will terrorize many. It will terrorize those who have reason to fear My Presence, dread My Presence – My manifest arrival on the scene.

Those who know how to ride the wave of My Spirit will delight in this flood. Those who are learning more about My Spirit, those who are open to My Spirit will at first wade in, though I will not be satisfied to have them only wade in. I will overwhelm them.

I will rush over all, and and the flood of My Spirit will overcome them, but they will not be afraid with the fear of dread. They will be overcome by the weight and the Glory of My Presence. They all will be stunned speechless at the Manifest Presence of My holiness. My power will lay them flat. But it will be a glorious experience, it will be a life changing experience. It will be the encounter of a lifetime. It will be a before and after experience – one that marks them for life. And I say, get used to it.* Expect more of it, because My Kingdom is come, and My Manifest presence, My Glory is here to stay. We are here to stay and dwell among you. This is not a momentary experience. The Glory, My Glory will be accessible to all.

This once in a lifetime experience that only a few have had in history, will be dwelling and available on the Earth. It will be accessible for all. Many will experience My Manifest Presence, the Power of My touch, My Presence. And it will change the world. I Am always available, but I Am making Myself more available, more knowable, more apparent in the Earth. I Am making My Presence known.

* I struggled with including this phrase get used to it, because I’m not sure that we will ever – in all of eternity – get used to the Manifest Presence of God. But I heard get used to it, and felt like it was important to include. I think the point is really that this will not be a fleeting one time experience of His Presence, His Glory. Instead it will be a lasting reality that His Presence is here, available and accessible in a very real and more tangible, experiential way than we have ever known.

How to Respond

  • Declare your position as a son or daughter of God. Declare the fullness of healing over your mind, body and soul.
  • Sit with the Lord and ask Him what your role is in the Harvest, in the Great Awakening of Souls.
  • Find at 10 minutes to get outside, to breathe fresh air, to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and His hand at work in your life. Remind Him of the ways He’s been good to you.
  • Declare His Kingdom come. Declare the arrival of the Manifest Presence of the Lord God Almighty in the Earth, in your town, your church, your home.


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