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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 34
1 John 2:20-29
Luke 11:33-36
Isaiah 12

18 For this reason the Lord is still waiting to show his favor to you
so he can show you his marvelous love.
He waits to be gracious to you.
He sits on his throne ready to show mercy to you.
For Yahweh is the Lord of justice,
faithful to keep his promises.
Overwhelmed with bliss are all
who will entwine their hearts in him,
waiting for him to help them.
19 Yes, the people of Zion who live in Jerusalem
will weep no more.
How compassionate he will be
when he hears your cries for help!
He will answer you when he hears your voice!

Isaiah 30:18-19

The Light of Exposure Is Moving

The Lord says,
I Am thinking of My lovers, My worshippers, those whose hearts are full to the brim and overflowing with love for Me, who have filled themselves up with My love and the knowledge of My love. My lovers have hearts full of freedom. I desire for My freedom to fill the earth and the hearts of the people. The light of My Glory, the light of exposure, the light of My truth has begun to move from West to East. We are in the waiting period no longer. My light is here. My Presence is here, and I Am moving.

The simple response to My move is worship, is adoration of Jesus. Experiencing My exposing light of truth in one’s own heart brings a great humility, a great longing and an awareness of need for rescue, redemption and healing. And the simple response is worship.

Hearts will ache with a longing for Jesus once My light of exposure touches them. They long for the freedom and the redemption He offers. As they meet Him and make the great exchange of their sin for His righteousness, their pain for His healing, they will be overcome by the love they feel and the relief from the burden of sin that has weighed so heavily on them. I Am moving in such a way that knowledge of Me, true knowledge of Me will be common throughout the Earth. Lovers of Mine — old and new — will make My Name famous throughout the Earth. My Presence too will move, will touch and will be experienced in all places.

The light of My Presence will shine, will warm, will bring great comfort to My lovers from the West to the East, and it will birth many new lovers. This is the Great Harvest season. This is the Great Harvest time. It is here. We are here. It is now.

A Great Reversal

The Lord says,
I Am stirring up joy, stirring up hope, stirring up anticipation for a Great Reversal, for a Great Advancement, for a Mighty Flip that happens in a day.

Circumstances will pop and change in an instant. Just like a popcorn kernel on a stove, in an instant, it becomes something completely different. This is what I Am stirring up in the hearts of many — the anticipation of complete, radical, instantaneous change.

Get your hopes up.

It will make a sound. It will bring a shock, but it will delight many. It will bring a great wave of relief to many, and it will usher in great celebrations. Justice will be the theme. And I will be your anthem. Watch My mighty hand move in power, decisiveness, speed, pinpoint accuracy and precision.

The response will be celebration, worship, spontaneous outbreaks of worship and joy, dance and laughter. I will stun the world. Even as the moment stuns the world, justice will march in, in an orderly, determined, straightforward way — like a military troop marching. Justice will advance and make a decisive march forward in this nation and in the world.

Picking Up the Pieces in the Aftermath

The Lord says,
My light that is moving from the West to the East will bring great healing to the hearts and lives of many. There will be much picking up the pieces to do in the aftermath of this Great Reversal, even as justice marches forward. As My light shines upon the people, they will see that they have been living in a war zone. They will recognize that it’s time now to pick up the pieces, to clean the mess, to restore order, beauty and grace to the land. It will require many hands and much hard work to get rid of the debris, the mess left behind in the war zone, but it will be done with great determination, unity and joined purpose. It will be done with joy because the Flip has happened, and justice is marching forth in the land as a guard, as a troop, as a united front of protection for the people and the land.

You will dance even as you work, because of the joy, the relief, the change. The impact of what I have done will be so vast that when you are reminded of it, you are almost surprised all over again. That’s how big of a change I Am bringing.

How to Respond

  • Declare that the Lord is moving, and He is bringing exposure, healing, redemption and justice as He moves.
  • Declare that the Lord is bringing a Great Reversal, and life will change for the better in an instant. It will be glorious.
  • Dance now.
  • Get your hopes up.
  • Remind yourself how to celebrate.
  • Rejoice.
  • Worship the Lord.


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