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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 37
Psalm 47

29 The faithful lovers of God will inherit the earth
and enjoy every promise of God’s care,
dwelling in peace forever.

Psalm 37:29

The Lord says,
I Am mighty in power and mighty to save. There is none like Me. There is no one like Me. Serve Me in reverence, in awe and with hearts full of gladness. Can’t you see? You are on the winning team. If you are on My side, you are on the side that has always won and will always win. It’s not even a fair match, because I Am Creator over all. Game. Set. Match.

37 Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth.
Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you.
2 They and their short-lived success
will soon shrivel up and quickly fade away,
like grass clippings in the hot sun.
3 Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes.
Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land,
feasting on his faithfulness.

Psalm 37:1-3

Those who in arrogance raise themselves up against Me and pursue My people in treachery, pursue wickedness above all else, pursue gain at the expense of others — they are but tiny grasshoppers before Me. Do not fear the wicked. Do not be amazed by their schemes, their short term wins or their wealth. Their life is but smoke and mirrors. They will wake one day, and it will be but a vapor before them. They will have nothing to show for their time and efforts but rot, decay and degradation. Fear them not. Do not be impressed with or marvel at their wealth, their success or their intricate web of wickedness. I will dismantle and destroy their web of lies, deceit, filth and evil with one sweep of the back of My hand. It is nothing for Me to do this.

7 Quiet your heart in his presence
and wait patiently for Yahweh.
And don’t think for a moment that the wicked, in their prosperity,
are better off than you.

Psalm 37:7

Don’t be impressed by the darkness or those who who work to make things darker. Keep your eyes on Me. Yes, be aware. Be as clever as serpents, but be as innocent as doves. Be aware. Just don’t let awareness turn to fear or despair. No, I have overcome the world and that includes this present darkness. Keep your eyes and your heart’s focus on Me, on righteousness and on a more perfect future that I Am preparing. Keep your heart and your mind at rest and in My perfect peace. For I Am with you, and I Am for you. Turn off the news for a while if you are losing your peace. Step away from your apps if you are losing your peace.

6 Sing and celebrate! Sing some more, celebrate some more!
Sing your highest song of praise to our King!
7 For God is the triumphant King; all the powers of the earth are his.
So sing your celebration songs of highest praise
to the glorious Enlightened One!
8 Our God reigns over every nation.
He reigns on his holy throne over all.

Psalm 47:6-8

Raise a shout of victory. Raise a voice of triumph. Sing songs of worship, adoration, praise and triumph, for the victory is Mine and the victory is nigh. Cultivate space for celebration in your heart. Let yourself daydream about victory, about celebration, about your children living in a very different, very purified, safer more beautiful time and place than where you are now. Because we are marching steadily to these days of resurrection, of transformation, of reformation and where hope becomes reality. So get your hopes up now. Raise your voice high now. Lift your hands up now in worship, in ecstatic joy and in unity and agreement with My Spirit. Hold your head up high. Stand tall and strong as the warrior you are. Victory is Mine, and the victory is indeed nigh.

How to Respond

  • Declare, I have put my hope, my trust and my future in Your hands Lord.
  • Declare, the Lord is moving to remove the reign of wickedness and darkness. He is more than able, and He can do it with one word or one swat of His hand.
  • Declare, the Lord is mighty, wonderful and absolutely good. He is moving on our behalf, and He is moving to bring a new reality to Earth for us and for our children.
  • Worship. Fill your home and your heart with songs of worship, adoration and victory.
  • Make room in your heart for celebration.
  • Practice joy now, and get your hopes up. The Lord never fails.


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