Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 42
Isaiah 65
Psalm 85
Psalm 92
I will walk the blind by an unknown way and guide them on paths they’ve never traveled. I will smooth their difficult road and make their dark mysteries bright with light. These are things I will do for them, for I will never abandon my beloved ones.
Isaiah 42:16 TPT
I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
Traditions are fading, and love is coming in. Love is coming through. The tidal wave of My grace and mercy is sweeping in, and all that was old is being made new. The air will have a different quality. The truth will be crystal clear, apparent and within reach.
Your mercy and your truth have married each other. Your righteousness and peace have kissed. Flowers of your faithfulness are blooming on the earth. Righteousness shines down from the sky. Yes, the Lord keeps raining down blessing after blessing, and prosperity will drench the land with a bountiful harvest. For deliverance goes before him, preparing a path for his steps.
Psalms 85:10-13 TPT
Different days are here. New days of profound mercy are here. New days of changed hearts are here. New days of new perspectives on the world are here. What was once us vs. them is now just us. Lines of division are fading away, and truth is rising and bearing its fruit all around us. From the fruit of all of this apparent and accessible truth, the people will taste and see that I Am good and that My great mercy endures forever. A massive shift has happened.
I revealed myself to those who didn’t even ask to know me. Those who did not seek me found me. I said to a nation that did not call on my name, ‘Here I am! Here I am! I will help you!’
Isaiah 65:1 TPT
Watch as the treasures of My mercy are discovered among you. Watch as those who did not know Me … watch as a people who did not seek Me will discover My mercies right in their path, right at their feet and be transformed by it. These ones who will stumble upon My mercy, who unexpectedly discover My mercies will join the ranks of this new breed of wild lovers that I Am cultivating. These are not like any who have come before them. There’s no religion. There’s no tradition. There are no shoulds or musts. There’s just love. There’s just service. There’s just a raw and pure gratitude and a desire to understand and know the true, unfiltered person of Jesus. No one else will do. Nothing else will do. These are a people enraptured by their King, the King of Mercies who rescued them when they were yet sinners, who rescued them when they were not looking to be saved. Their new King is the one who brings transformational justice, because He is loved wrapped in mercy.
Yes! Look how you’ve made all your devoted lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You’ve transplanted them into your heavenly courtyard, where they are thriving before you,
Psalms 92:12-13 TPT
These new lovers, this new breed has no interest in old religious teachings or in the old trappings of religion and tradition. They want the pure. They want the unadulterated. They want the true and only King Jesus. These are those who will sit as His feet and glean forever. Their hearts and their lives will be filled with love, and they will transform the world as you know it. These are My warriors of transformative justice, because they are the ones who have been fully, completely transformed by Love. They never take mercy for granted. It was the door that led them to Jesus. They are a new breed.
How to Respond
- Pray, Lord thank You that through Your great mercy and unmatched grace, a whole new breed of lovers is being created and is even emerging now. I desire to see it, to experience it blooming in my own family and to support and come alongside these new lovers of Yours.
- Declare, the Lord’s mercies never fail. They are new every morning.
– Lamenations 3:22-23 - Declare, A bruised reed He will not break. A dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice. – Isaiah 42:3
- Decree, I will watch as many who were not seeking the Lord fall upon, stumble upon and discover His great mercy for themselves. I will celebrate their transformation and delight in the fresh, untainted love for King Jesus that they have. I will allow their love for Jesus to challenge my traditions and any religious trappings I may be holding onto. I will see and be part of the Lord using this new breed of wild lovers to bring His transformative justice to the world — through the power of the love of King Jesus and His great mercies.
For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Darkness Is for a Purpose, and It Is Fleeting
2022: You Don’t Have to Smile Like You Mean It
2021: The Emergence of the Hidden Ones
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