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A Time of Great Departures

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
This is a time of departures. This is a time of turning to the right. This is a time of turning around, of about-faces, U-turns and course corrections. This is a time of departures from the planned path forward. This is a time of mass departures from the current road. The new path is one of humility, of repentance, of gratitude.

A Key to Carefree Glorious Living

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Delight in the simple things. Celebrate the simple victories. Treasure and enjoy life. Let your heart be filled with gladness, gratitude and awe at the simple things. Let your pace slow down and your laughter be quick. Choose to live in the moment, in the progress, in the journey, in the space in between where you have been and where you desire to be.

We Are in the Overthrowing

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My glory will overcome. We are in days of overcoming. We are in days of overthrowing, usurping and overturning. These are days of great overcoming. These are days of the captives being freed, of the prisoners overwhelming and overthrowing the guards and the gatekeepers and tearing down the high walls that have blocked you all from freedom and wide-open spacious living.

The Glory of the Lord Is Coming to Resurrect

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. Glory. You will see My glory, and My love will overcome. My glory will be evidence that My love is present to overcome the darkness, to overcome the pain, to overcome the trials, temptation and bondage of the world. My glory brings joy, brings hallelujah, brings clarity, focus and purpose. My glory resurrects hearts and original design, original intent.

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