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Today’s Readings:
John 17
1 John 5
Psalm 82 & 85
Isaiah 66:1-16

I have given them your message, and that is why the unbelieving world hates them. For their allegiance is no longer to this world, because I am not of this world. I am not asking that you remove them from the world, but I ask that you guard their hearts from evil. For they no longer belong to this world any more than I do. Your word is truth! So make them holy by the truth.

John 17:14-17

The Stench of Evil

The Lord says,
This is a time of great evil in government. Government leaders at every level are corrupt influence peddlers. And for many, their evil extends far beyond pay to play schemes and money. The stench of their evil is pervasive and it rises up to Me and offends Me. Like filthy, stinking dogs, they have no power to cleanse themselves, no ability to cover the stench of their offenses. They are powerless to conceal their wrongdoings. They can’t see it, but they are in broad daylight exposing themselves for what they are. As they shake and try to rid themselves of the evidence of their stench, they implicate many others who are close to them. Some are innocent, many others are not. Be careful who you stand with in this time. Be careful who you associate with and stand close to.

This is a time where there will be much exposure. Guilt by association is real. Guilt by association, the connections, the dots of evil connections will be connected. They will be exposed and brought to light, and this will be the downfall of many.

Those close to the ones implicated will scatter, will flee the scene, will try to escape. Those implicated in evil – by guilt exposed through association – will be left standing alone. They will be abandoned, as all those close to them run for cover and endeavor to protect their own hides and their own lives. The ones who flee will be seen as cowards, who stayed in circles of influence and power for their own exaltation, for their own power. They perceived power as proximity to power. Many of these who chose and sought proximity to power knew that the power they were abiding with was evil. Some were oblivious. But many knew. Some will escape by the skin of their teeth, and some will be taken down with the house of evil that they chose to abide in.

This is a time where the primary guilt of sin, of evil, of unimaginable evils will be exposed. And guilt by association will be likewise exposed. Theirs is the guilt of being cowardly, of hunger for power, of acquiescence in the face of evil. And indeed, it will be counted against many.

Pulling the Rug Out

The Lord says,
I Am pulling the rug out from under many. Many will fall in one moment, at one movement of My Righteous Right Hand. I will move in power, decisively and swiftly. And there will be no recourse for those who fall, who I take down. They will lay in a heap on the ground. They will experience the terror of continuing to fall and never hitting bottom.

Many will gather round the place where these have fallen. They will look onto the destruction, and they will cheer and weep for joy, because their oppressors have been removed. Because freedom has been wrestled back from the enemy. Because liberty has been restored. And because the air is clear again. The stench has been removed from the atmosphere. The pervasive stench of evil has been removed from amongst the people. The poison of the stench, the toxic effects of the stench have been removed. And the air is clear, is refreshed, is sparklingly fresh. And the scent of freedom, of truth, of all things that are pure, and beautiful and lovely can thrive – can be perceived, now that the stench of evil has been removed from the Earth.

A Great Wave of Clarity

The Lord says,
A great wave of clarity will come to the people. Right minds will be restored, eyes will be cleared and ears will be unplugged and open for hearing. There will be a great sense of a new day. It will be as if many are waking from a long slumber where there had been many chaotic and tumultuous nightmares and where the system of operating was very different and the rules were very different and the code was very different. This new day – the one many will wake up to – will be a fresh beginning, will be a glorious day of great light, and that light will extend for many many days. And the light will warm their skin and their hearts. They will be in a new reality. A totally different reality – one that leads to a great rebuilding, a great harvest, and a Great Renaissance. There will be great celebration – of life, of liberty, of freedom, of sanity, of creativity, of inventions and breakthrough and pure and holy art, of value added businesses, and great developments to prosper the Earth. The tide is turning, even today, even now.

How to Respond

  • Examine your life and your associations. Keep your close circle pure. Continue to reach out to those in need of help, those who are misled, those who are lost, and those who are seeking.
  • Declare that the day of the Lord’s execution of justice for the people has come.
  • Pray that those ensnared in evil will turn their hearts to Jesus today and be spared.
  • Declare that the Lord is opening eyes and ears, hearts and minds to perceive truth and to distinguish it from lies and evil.
  • Declare the day of breakthrough into a new beginning – into freedom, justice, truth, revival, a Great Harvest of souls won to Jesus, and Renaissance for America and the Earth.


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