The Lord says, Grace, My divine grace, My amazing grace will soon be on display for all the world to see. My grace will be poured out for humanity in a mighty wave of love.
The Lord says, Glory, Glory, I’m seated on the throne. Let Me be your first love alone. As you seek Me, as you dwell in My Presence, you will find freedom. You will find victory. You will see your chains break. You will see regret fall as dust before you.
The Lord says, We (The Godhead) are of one heart and one mind. So will My people be. We are moving to days of great unity, unprecedented unity. You have only tasted moments of fleeting unity, but the days ahead will be ones of persistent, strong, immovable unity.
The Lord says, It’s Resurrection Season. It’s the season for glorious, vibrant, light-filled new life. It’s the season of wild, unexpected comebacks. It’s the season where breakthroughs long awaited are suddenly in your laps. It’s the kind of season where many walk around with a song in their heart and on their lips.
The Lord says, Where we are going will be better than you ever dreamed. In just a moment, you’ll see that everything has changed, and that it’s become better than you ever dreamed. Days are coming when all these current troubles are gone.
The Lord says, It’s Resurrection Season. The Earth, the soil, the ground is stirring and trembling even now. Can you feel your heart swelling with anticipation, with joy, with My love?
The Lord says, It’s loving season. It’s the time where My love will be poured out for all to see, taste and experience. It’s the time where MANY will be gobsmacked by a real, undeniable encounter with My love and be changed forever.
The Lord says, Jesus won the victory! Jesus is the Victorious One. All dominion, power and authority belong to Him. He reigns at My righteous right hand. Let faith arise. Let hope arise. Stir these up in your heart, in your spirit; and posture yourself with great anticipation.
The Lord says, It is Resurrection Season. It is a time where My power will be on display and will be made known throughout the Earth. These are days of returning to the reverential fear of the Lord. These are days of mighty encounters that wreck hearts, birth repentance, reveal true identity and raise up fierce forever-changed warriors of truth, righteousness, justice and holiness.
The Lord says, I Am mighty in power and mighty to save. There is none like Me. There is no one like Me. Serve Me in reverence, in awe and with hearts full of gladness. Can’t you see? You are on the winning team.