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The Babies Will Be Warriors of Fire

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The children and the babies are on My heart — their growing up in a better world, growing up in a safer, more beautiful, more free, easier to live in world. My heart is for the babies — the ones in the mothers’ wombs. They hold so much potential, so much promise, so much precious joy, life and gifting. I made them for such a time as this.

A Defining Harvest of Justice

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I can trace their affections. I can trace the root of their affections back to harm. Many little ones have been harmed, and it has twisted and manipulated their affections. It has confused their affections. It has destroyed innocence. I’m coming after the destroyers of innocence. I’m sending My angels to destroy those who have destroyed the innocence of My little ones.

They Will Be Made New

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My heart is for the broken children. My heart is for the lost, the forgotten, the broken and abused. My heart breaks for the fatherless, the alone, the tormented and confused. My heart is for the fatherless. My heart is for the orphaned in spirit and in truth.

A New Day Is Dawning in America

The Lord says, 
I delight in you and care for you like a new mama does for her baby. I dote on you, and My ears are attuned to your every sound. That’s the level of awareness I have about you — that of a first time mama with a newborn baby. My love floods out toward you with that same intensity and ferocity, gushing and protective.

Justice for the Children & Building Assignments for the Pioneers

The Lord says, 
My heart aches for the children. My heart aches for the unborn at risk. My heart aches for the neglected and abused. My heart aches for those whose parents are lost and wandering children themselves, unable to care for anyone. My heart aches for the hurting children — all of My hurting children. Their lives should not be like this. I Am moving to rescue the children, to give them a future and a hope.

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