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Scattered No More

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My sheep have scattered. My sheep have scattered, because the gate is broken. A thief broke in, broke the gate and now the sheep have scattered. My sheep are broken off into small groups. They are scattered within the bounds of the gate and outside of its boundaries. I Am an all consuming fire.

Jesus Is the Foundation & the Heartbeat of the Home

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. Resurrection of souls. Resurrection of lives. Resurrection of sight and vision. Resurrection of hearing and accepting the true sound. I Am the true sound. I Am the true way. I Am taking us back to foundational principles. I’m taking us back to the most essential foundation. I’m taking us back to the foundation that is central to family, to home.

A Key to Carefree Glorious Living

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Delight in the simple things. Celebrate the simple victories. Treasure and enjoy life. Let your heart be filled with gladness, gratitude and awe at the simple things. Let your pace slow down and your laughter be quick. Choose to live in the moment, in the progress, in the journey, in the space in between where you have been and where you desire to be.

The Lord Is Tugging on Wayward Hearts

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
In those who have given Me their hearts, I have placed a tether, so they can’t wander far, so they can’t fall and be alone, so that they are reminded of their first and greatest love. I Am tugging on many tethers that have been ignored. I Am tugging on many tethers thought to have been severed. I am tugging on many tethers that have been stretched out to exceedingly great lengths.

The Lord Is Restoring Families

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am bringing families into unity, rest and extraordinary delight in Me and in one another. I’m bringing families into unity, into joy and into a place separated from worry. I’m bringing families into a place of mutual trust, joy, ease and delight. I Am restoring families, and I Am giving a bonus for lost time.

The Lord’s Grace is Moving In

The Lord says, 
I Am healing — healing hearts and healing lives. This is a time of great mending of broken hearts, broken people, broken families, communities and even the nation. A revelation of truth, a revelation of identity, worth and Me is the catalyst for great deep healing and change.

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