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Warriors, Keep Striking at the Truth

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Truth is established. Truth is set up as big and obvious as a giant bullseye in the public square. My warriors are throwing battle axes, and striking truth. As they strike truth, they chip away at the lies. As they strike truth, the clash, the connection with truth resonates in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls, because I have set truth in their hearts from eternity past.

The Strongholds Will Be Occupied by Worthy Ones

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The grace of My anointing is pouring in like a river. The oil of My favor is being poured out generously. It’s being poured out generously on My lovers, on those whose hearts are tethered to Mine. The oil of My favor and My anointing grace is marking and anointing My lovers. I will mark them with My own hand for service, for advancement, for promotion and for rapid, powerful acceleration that has not often been seen.

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