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2023: A Year of Launching

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I desire truth in the innermost parts. I desire trust in the deepest parts. Trust in Me. Trust in My heart. Trust that My heart is with you and beats for you. Trust that I Am for you — not against you, nor ambivalent toward you. Trust that I have plans to launch you to destiny, to send you higher and farther than you could have ever imagined.

A Time of Great Departures

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
This is a time of departures. This is a time of turning to the right. This is a time of turning around, of about-faces, U-turns and course corrections. This is a time of departures from the planned path forward. This is a time of mass departures from the current road. The new path is one of humility, of repentance, of gratitude.

The Glory of the Lord Is Coming to Resurrect

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. Glory. You will see My glory, and My love will overcome. My glory will be evidence that My love is present to overcome the darkness, to overcome the pain, to overcome the trials, temptation and bondage of the world. My glory brings joy, brings hallelujah, brings clarity, focus and purpose. My glory resurrects hearts and original design, original intent.

Truth Is Being Resurrected

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. Uncontainable, undeniable resurrection that overtakes and captures the attention of the people. [In a vision I saw a tower, building-like structure rising up on the West Side of Manhattan as the representation of Truth. It was like a tower of powerful light.]

Creation Will Sing a Resurrection Song

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The birds will sing a resurrection song. The Earth will sing a chorus in this resurrection song. As creation now groans, so will it sing a springtime resurrection song. The harvest is ready. The harvest is ripe for the Kingdom. Soon you will see that there are more with us than against us. There will be more in love with Me than you could have imagined.

The Lord Is Setting the Artists Free

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Beauty, excellence, perfect execution. I have made you to build, to create, to work from inspiration and for your work to inspire others. Anarchy and chaos have dominated the scene, have torn down the meaning of art, have belittled and demeaned the hearts and eyes and the works brought forth by artists, by creators, by inventors, by artisans.

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