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A Great Reversal and a Great Awakening

The Lord says, 
I Am your rescue story. I Am the rescue story of this generation, of the world. It’s a rescue story of going from bondage to freedom, of being oppressed by wickedness to living in a place and time where purity, truth and justice matter. It’s calling you from death to life. It’s a full healing, a full restoration.

Days of Awe

The Lord says, 
I Am your rescue story. Many more will have rescue stories and consider themselves rescued by My Hand, by My grace, by My love, by My provision. Many many many will come, will humble themselves before Me, will bow in awe and wonder. This is the day of many eyes being opened for the first time, or being re-opened after years of blindness to Me. This is the day of many hearts being set free.

Winds of Change

The Lord says, My spring rain is starting. This is My spring rain for My spring and summer harvest. We think about fall being the season of harvest, but I Am always bringing forth a harvest - different harvests in different seasons. The harvest now is going to be a very sweet one, a very plentiful one. This harvest will weight down trucks, will bring much joy and celebration to the harvesters and to the people.

Grace & Surprises

The Lord says, 
Patience. I’m breathing patience and grace and life on those who don’t know Me yet. Those who have been lied to, believe lies, live in ways that don’t serve or benefit them. To these I Am extending a heart of grace and compassion. I am beckoning them in.

Two Springs

I desire joy and fulfillment for My children. I want to see them laugh and play again. I want to see them shake off the shackles of oppression, the weight, the heaviness, the seriousness of this world. I Am bringing freedom to restore joy. I long to see My children laughing and playing and shouting and singing and dancing for joy in My Presence. In My creation. In purity.

Harvest of Victory

The drum beat, the drummers, the cadence is picking up. The drummers are intimidating the enemy. The drummers are out front in battle. And they are causing stress and chaos and confusion for the enemy. The enemy can’t tell the difference between the sounds of battle and the drums. It is increasing the intensity for the enemy, increasing the urgency.

Be Ready

We are not to take our breakthrough, to win our battle and leave others to fight for theirs alone. Our victory must lead the charge into their battle. The confidence and testimony we have in the Lord from our victory will give them strength and courage. And together we will wage war - not of flesh and blood. But in prayer and worship, with declarations and prophecy, for the breakthrough and the victory of our brothers and sisters.

Breakthrough is Here

I am a God who hears. I am a God of faithfulness and dependability. I am the God of answered prayers and promises fulfilled. My love is rushing forward like a river at full force. This is the day of breakthrough. The dam has been breached. It has been smashed open. And this is the day that the floodgate of My blessings and an outrageous abundance of My goodness come rushing forth.

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