The Lord says, These are days of romance with Me and promises fulfilled. These are days where My lovers draw in closer and desire to spend time in My courts. They desire to spend time in My Presence, at My feet.
The Lord says, This is a time of open and shut cases, a time of the books being closed on a season of of death, dismemberment and destruction. Books of death are closing, and books of life are opening. As I open this book of life, life itself springs from the pages.
The Lord says, Resurrection. Revival. Restoration. Reformation. And a new way of life. A new way of life will emerge like a bright new day — a new way of thinking, of living, of operating. The people will see the treasure in one another and treasure and honor them for it.
The Lord says, Choices. Choices for life or death, blessing or curse, truth or lies. These are days when choices will be exposed. I will shine a bright light on the choices made in the hearts of men and women. Choices will be exposed and laid bare.
The Lord says, This season is about resurrection. It’s about new life. It will be remembered and written about as a time where many things that were believed to be dead came back to life, where many unexpected circumstances took a major turn long after it was assumed final.
The Lord says, I Am healing. Healing the land. Healing the people. Healing the structures, the systems and governance. Much cannot be healed from its current state. Like a poorly set bone, it must be broken and reset. Like a poorly built home atop a good foundation, it must be torn down to start afresh from the ground up.
The Lord says, You’re witnessing and have been witnessing the breakdown — the breakdown of the family, of communities, of society, of integrity, of leadership, of justice, of true governance by the people and for the people. It has been breaking down for some time now, and it all is starting to crumble before your very eyes.
The Lord says, Days of worlds colliding are here. Days of injustice running headlong into a brick wall of justice are here. Days of brokenness, sin, wrong choices and even perversion finding hope, grace, restoration and transformation in the blinding light of the goodness of Jesus Christ are here.
The Lord says, My heart is turned toward those who were abandoned and forced to fend for themselves. The orphans and the widows. Those who had to raise themselves in the school of hard knocks. The lonely and the loners. My heart hurts for them and is is turned toward them.
The Lord says, I Am increasing the hunger and the desire for Me. Many have operated on their own, in their own mode, in their own desires and their own world all of this time; and suddenly they want more. Suddenly, the status quo is not enough.