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The Plot to Cover the Sun Will Be Foiled

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My sun is shining on the earth. It’s warming it, giving it light, life and growth. But pollution is rising to block the sun. Dark forces are aiming to bring literal darkness to your land, to the earth, to the sun. How arrogant is that? How despicable is that? How untrustworthy is the one who wants to cover the sun? How ridiculous is that?

Truth Will Drown the Wicked

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Wellsprings of living water are surging. High tides are rising. My wellsprings of living water are flowing powerfully, causing the tides to rise even higher. High tides are rising, and some vessels are sinking. Loose lips sink ships. The enemy’s own words, own admission, own Freudian slips will cause his ships to sink.

The Battle and the Victory Are the Lord’s, The Service is Ours

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Chosen ones are arising. Ones marked in the Spirit for service are arising. I have imparted an anointing for such a time as this. It’s an anointing, an invitation and a very strong magnetic call to be positioned ones, to occupy specifically ordained positions in the battlefield, to be ones who man their place, and to be ones who weather and ride out the high seas and the storm from the deck of the battleship.

Innocent, Razor-Sharp Ones Are Ascending to the High Places & They Will Take Out the Trash

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I keep My little ones nestled to My chest. Do I send them out in the fire? Into the battle? Yes. All the while, they have unfettered access to My heart, My voice, My protection, My wisdom and My instruction. Many are leaving the nest now. Many are marching right out of the nest and flying. My grace is present like a strong but gentle breeze enabling them to fly, to soar, to rise up even higher.

Truth Will Have the Wicked Surrounded

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Truth is marching in the streets. Truth is marching with new beats.The truth is marching on, and the truth is marching in. The truth is marching from many origination points with a great company in each line, and the truth is marching to Washington. The truth is marching to your Capitol. The truth will surround the Capital City like the beltway. She will rise up with many voices and say, we have you surrounded.

The Sound of Cymbals Will Release Justice in the Earth

This morning when I asked the Lord what was on His heart, He said justice, and it sounded like a cymbal when He said it. When I asked Him to help me understand, the Spirit of the Lord said,
An instrument of praise will be used to bring justice. He directed me to look cymbals up in the Bible. Interestingly almost every instance of the mention of cymbals was related to worship that involved David or was in the manner that David instructed.

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