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Justice Is Inbound & Making a Way for Cleansing

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Justice is inbound. I Am digging justice up from the ground, from beneath the surface, from the deep. I Am pumping justice to the surface. To those who have siphoned off justice and hidden it away, to those who have stolen justice and misused justice, know this — I Am plugging the holes where justice has been siphoned off, stolen and taken from the people.

Truth Is a Jailbreaker

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Truth. The truth will set you free. Look to the truth. Agree with truth. Align with truth. It will set you free. Align with the truth of Who I Am. Align with the truth of who I say you are and who I created you to be. It will set you free. It will give you wings. It will enable to you soar.

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