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This Is the Time to Be Light in the Darkness

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m shining a light in darkness, and you are that light. You are the light I have placed in darkness. It’s time to arise and shine. It’s time to be the bright light that I designed and tailor made you to be. You are to be a city on a hill. You are to be the bright light that guides the way and gives hope and comfort to those living in deep darkness.

This Is the Birthing of a New Era

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficient for change. My grace is sufficient for completely new constructs, completely new landscapes, completely new prospects and completely new days. My grace for change is here, and change will be of such great magnitude that it will feel like something extraordinary, something massive has been dropped on the Earth from very great heights.

The Anointing of Truth Is Blowing In On A Healing Breeze

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Just a day. Just a day of explosive narratives. Just a day of warfare of words. These days have become old hat. These days have become worn out. My grace is covering and flooding. My grace is pouring out truth as if cleansing a sticky tar-like oil spill in the fresh vibrant waters. My truth is healing the polluted waters. My truth is changing the frequency of the shrieking, polluted airwaves.

Rise Up Children of Light!

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My heart is for you. My life is on you. My life is radiant, vibrant, energetic and everlasting. It has no corruption in it. My life is on you to thrive. Don’t hem yourself in accepting ailments or excuses. My life is on you to thrive. My life is on you to succeed, to excel and to accelerate. My life is on you, and it is in you.

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