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Make Room for the New

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Grace. My grace is here to get things done. My grace is here for getting rid of the clutter. My grace is here for clearing out the old and leaving wide open space for the new. My grace is here for the transition. It’s time to clear out the old and make room for the new. It’s time to clear the decks. It’s time to wiggle out from all that is entangling you.

Work with the Diligence and Delight of a Determined Child

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Treasure. You are My treasure and My reward. I see you as a great prize, as a trophy that marks My victory over the grave, over the world, over satan, darkness and evil. You are My prize and My reward. You are also My dearly loved, dearly cared for child, the apple of My eye, the one who makes My eyes light up and the one who makes My heart flutter. See yourself through My eyes.

2023: A Year of Launching

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I desire truth in the innermost parts. I desire trust in the deepest parts. Trust in Me. Trust in My heart. Trust that My heart is with you and beats for you. Trust that I Am for you — not against you, nor ambivalent toward you. Trust that I have plans to launch you to destiny, to send you higher and farther than you could have ever imagined.

Life Altering Choices Are Just Ahead

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Choices. Life altering choices are up ahead, just ahead. I Am calling you to stay right where I have planted you until I call you forward, until I call you to move. Then I will bid you to cross the Bridge of Understanding, and you will see more clearly what it was all for and where I Am taking you now as a result of all that has been learned, done, tested and gained here.

It’s Time to Move and Take the Hill Country

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the One who was, who is and who is to come. I Am the Forever Ruler, the God of Angel Armies, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Ancient of Days. It’s time to dance. It’s time to worship with abandon. It’s time to sing your heart out. It’s time to move in the joy of the Lord. It’s time to move to the sound of My voice, to the beat of My drum. It’s time to move.

The Revival of the Ages

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Strong people, men and women of impeccable character who reflect Me, they are the ones I have chosen to lead, to teach, to coach in the Revival of the Ages. These are ones who have been training and building strength and endurance in private — almost in seclusion — with maybe only a few likeminded people surrounding them and going in the same direction as them.

How to Know Which Way to Go

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The enemy is on the prowl, seeking whom he may devour. He is busy setting up traps, distractions and detours for My lovers and all people. Don’t get thrown off course. Don’t get baited into something less than what I have for you. Don’t get lured into the the trap that he has set. How can you tell the difference between his plots and wiles and My good plans? I will will tell you My dear one.

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