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Stand, Shine and Hold Fast to the Rock of Your Salvation

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am sustaining My people. My heart is for sustaining My people. I sustain them through the good times and the bad. I sustain them in darkness and in light. I Am the All-sufficient one. I Am the author, giver and sustainer of life. This is a time of necessary sustaining. This is a time where I Am the great rock upon which to be anchored. I will hold you fast and secure, and I will sustain you.

You Can Have Total Peace in the Storm

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
You can trust Me. You can trust that My heart is for you. You can trust that My heart is in you. I will move obviously in your days. You won’t be suspicious about coincidences or happenstance. You will know that the hand of the Lord of All, the hand of Yeshua, Almighty God, Savior and King touched the Earth.

Stay Within the Protective Covering of the Lord

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am stirring up the rebel kings and the self-appointed princes of the Earth. I Am stirring them up. I Am putting an insatiable desire for war in their mouths. The taste just won’t leave them. It is the metallic taste of blood. They love the taste of blood, and they love to see bloodshed. I Am stirring them up and fomenting their desire for war and for blood.

The Champion Must Stir Up the Storm

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Resurrection. A mighty resurrection. A mighty overturning. A mighty usurpation of power, of the powers that be, of the status quo. You will see it all be flipped on its head. The upside down world will be put back to right. Right will prevail. Right will land on top, and right will wear the victory belt.

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