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Prepare for Plunder

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am your Rock and firm foundation. All other ground is sinking sand. Trust in Me. Stand upon Me. Stand upon My Word of truth. I Am the stability of your times. You can remain secure, unshaken, untouched, unaffected even as you stand firmly, unwaveringly, securely planted in Me. The world is in for a shaking. The world is heading to a tumult. This is not new news. I will shake everything that can be shaken.

Show No Mercy to Evil. This Is a Time of Aggressive, Offensive Change

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m tipping the scales in your favor. I’m tipping the scales dramatically in your favor. The days of fighting from the back foot are through. This is a time of aggressive, relentless offense. It has been like the offense has been sitting on the bench this whole time, and the defense has been in the game holding the line. Well, the time has come. I’m calling the offense off of the bench and putting them into the game.

We Are At War

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficiently coming into the hearts and lives of men, women, boys and girls. My grace is sufficiently coming into lives, under feet to empower and enable you to walk where I Am calling you and directing you to go. I Am calling you to murky terrain, rocky terrain and war zone terrain, but your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and with an extra measure and covering of My grace that is sufficient for you to tread and take ground in this territory, in this land, in this war zone.

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