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The Narrow Path Is the Glorious Place

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m near, even when you are remote. Wherever you are, I Am with you. Just call on Me. I Am with you. You may wander far. You may be on assignments that seem to take you far, but I Am right here with you. I Am ever near. I Am ever present. I Am always right here with you. I will take you the distance. The road you are on may seem long. It may seem remote. It is the road less traveled. It is the narrow way.

Jesus Is the Ancient Foundation and the Only Way Forward

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
We are on the precipice of change. The precipice is the tipping point of change. It will take you into the great, wide unknown. It may feel like a free fall, but I will bear you up. We have hit the point of no return. We can’t go backward. We can’t go back the way we came. We must go forward. We must take the first step, and we must return to the ancient foundations which feel very, very, very, extraordinarily far from here.

Let the Builders Build, Let the Dreamers Dream and Build

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is on your heart. My grace is moving, hovering, brooding over dreams, visions, hopes and aspirations. My grace is hovering over the builders — those in whose heart is a city in which to dwell, those in whose heart are vast dreams, complex dreams and simple dreams. My heart is hovering over the builders who see the city in their mind’s eye, whose minds live in the future because of the dreams of their heart.

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