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Resurrection, Reaping and Launching

The Lord says, 
Resurrection. New life. New birth and resurrection from death. Resurrection from old life into new life. Happiness, excitement and joy springing up from the earth, from the very ground itself. Accelerated seed and accelerated harvest. 

What seemed dead and gone will suddenly and unexpectedly spring forth in brand new life, not as it was but unmistakably new, transformed, whole, alive, well and changed for good.

The Harvest of Hearts

The Lord says, 
The blinding light of My truth is breaking forth. This is the dawning of a new day. This is the bursting forth of a new season, of harvest. Harvest time is here, and that means reaping. The grains are heavy on the stalks. I Am the Lord of the harvest, and I Am indeed leading this one.

Our God is an All Consuming Fire

The Lord says, 
I Am an all consuming fire. My heart burns with desire for you. You are My heart’s desire, the one My heart longs for. I long for My people, and I Am an all consuming fire. I Am jealous for your heart, your present and your future. My jealousy extends to your past. I long to scorch the injuries, sins, mistakes and hurts of your past with the purifying fire of My Presence. I Am jealous to consume all from your past that did not serve you and did not serve Me. My desire is great and unquenchable.

The Harvest is Upon Us

The Lord says, 
This is a time like a great open house, like a great and glorious free clinic time where people can come to have their souls healed and filled with My peace. I will be healing souls in public and in the town squares. I will be filling those who come with joy indescribable and peace that they’ve never known.

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