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The Time of the Second Red Sea Crossing

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The nations roar and rage. Like a storm-tossed ship at sea, this is how My people feel. This is how the nations feel. The waves are rough, and the seas unpredictable. Yet I Am here, in your midst. Yet I Am here hovering among you, hovering above it all. Keep your eyes on Me. Keep your spirit tuned to the nearness of My Presence, and you will not fear the waves.

The Final Hour of the Fight

The Lord says, 
I Am your Rescuer. I Am your Great Rescue Story. Things look so bleak. The storm is raging all around you. Hold on to Me, and stay in perfect peace. I have made a way for you to live in perfect peace, to be the calm in the midst of the storm, to be the calm that others experience in the midst of the storm. I do not impart just an internal peace, but a radiating peace that effects others. Be peace.

A Great Reversal and a Great Awakening

The Lord says, 
I Am your rescue story. I Am the rescue story of this generation, of the world. It’s a rescue story of going from bondage to freedom, of being oppressed by wickedness to living in a place and time where purity, truth and justice matter. It’s calling you from death to life. It’s a full healing, a full restoration.

Be Ready

We are not to take our breakthrough, to win our battle and leave others to fight for theirs alone. Our victory must lead the charge into their battle. The confidence and testimony we have in the Lord from our victory will give them strength and courage. And together we will wage war - not of flesh and blood. But in prayer and worship, with declarations and prophecy, for the breakthrough and the victory of our brothers and sisters.

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