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The Revival of the Ages

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Strong people, men and women of impeccable character who reflect Me, they are the ones I have chosen to lead, to teach, to coach in the Revival of the Ages. These are ones who have been training and building strength and endurance in private — almost in seclusion — with maybe only a few likeminded people surrounding them and going in the same direction as them.

We Are Entering Stormy Seas, You Have Nothing to Fear

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Follow My peace and My pleasure. As the waves get choppy, there are places that I have hidden along the way that you can find refuge and be still in the shaking. We are entering choppy waters. It will be a light chop at first. For those who are seaworthy, it may bring great delight to experience this light chop, this light froth on the water. We are heading for very stormy seas, yet you have nothing to fear.

How to Know Which Way to Go

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The enemy is on the prowl, seeking whom he may devour. He is busy setting up traps, distractions and detours for My lovers and all people. Don’t get thrown off course. Don’t get baited into something less than what I have for you. Don’t get lured into the the trap that he has set. How can you tell the difference between his plots and wiles and My good plans? I will will tell you My dear one.

Make the Lord the Center of Your Home

The Lord says, 
Make Me the center of your home. Make Me the anchor, the pillar and the touchstone from which all decisions are made. Firmly install Me as the center of your home, and let Me take the heavy load off of your shoulders and your heart. Shake off the worry, the burden, the anxiety. Smooth the creases from your forehead, and let’s dance. Let’s play. Let’s celebrate.

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